Saturday, March 6, 2010


muhammad ramzan,

setau aku. aku sempat tegur die sekali je. thts all kot. and that is what it shall always be for ever and ever~
*cukuplah maut sebagai peringatan*

pagi tadi nik bg msg, suro bace kn yassin. aku agk pelik sbb tak tau hal sebenar. dalam hati, dh dok pike 'asl la time die kt ccu dlu tak pena suro aku bace yassin, tbe dh kt icu baru suro. buang tebiat ape'

tau tau, the message is followed by another msg, like 10 minutes after tht.

* innalillah buat arwah ramzan abdul rahman. sedekahkan yassin utk die, die kawan yg baekk *-nik

for sure, aku jd blank, time tuh tga tgk heroes.. aku seresly nanges. (seb bek takde org nmpak) aku tak sempat nk kenal ngn die. ade gak tergerak hati aku nk visit die esok. bfday die. if before,

aku selalu terbayang. yg maybe, the best way to die, is to die near your bfday, its set to my mind, tht the date ur born, is like a benchmark. of how long ull live. and when ull die.

nmpaknye, ape yg aku byngkan tak terjadi kt aku,,, YET. still, the possibility is there . pendek cite, same same kite sedekahkan alfatihah kepada arwah. YA ALLAH,,, why,, evry year msti ade org yg connected ngn aku meniggal....

he passed away during the doctors attemp to remove his breathing support machine. trying to avoid the lung from swelling maybe.


aku btolak dr rumah kol 5.45. praying id make it on time kt masjid nk tgk die. at least. tp lambat, kne tgu dany~ then sampai2 fetch tyra and the gang. sampai ke tmpat kubur. arwah dh dikebumikan dah, and rain started to fall, as if the sky was mourning for him as well, my white track bottom is totally soaked~ then pegi tahlil kt sekolah, jumpe wani, checking how she is doing, hope tht u are ok gurl.. then pegi uma dany mandi before pegi 23, utk tahlil kt rumah encik abd rahman. smpai2 je org dah balek.


*esk sempat, insyaAllah. amin~~


this just shows, proves, provokes, that life could always prove your wrong...

(gambar hiasan semata)


asnawi ade ckp, time tuh aku tengah driving..
' mase koma tuh maybe dah kafarah dah sume dosa die '

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