Saturday, October 12, 2019

Perspective Preference

Time and tide passes, and life gets dull as a duster. the soul gets tired. and you live day by day, fueled with adrenaline rushing in the veins, until it runs out. and you ask yourself;

 ' until when?'

and personally, the hurdle gets tougher, as another posting is finished. not because another posting has successfully(read; barely)  been put aside, but the realisation on the fact that housemanship is about to finish, and the burden of another phase of life is at the edge.
and generally speaking. to a point in life in doing things that we are doing now, we keep questioning, why should you go on, until when? and the most important thing, is it worth it? and what follows is the constant doubting and the endless negativity that starts feeding on the mind and soul, that finally results in the reduction of productivity of our work. to a point, some might even lose the relevance of their presence.

in the process of trying to not let ourselves get consumed , what normal people do is try to look for how to overcome this problem. some seek for help. sometimes the simplest form of help would just to voice out the bottled up problem. and after doing so, we'd  realise, there are actually bigger problems to worry about. seems like venting is the easiest and fastest way to voice out the complains and elaborate on the downside of life. provided that you have a good listener

but sometimes it doest work right?? before you ever start thinking that its the end of the world, remember, that its not the end of the world, yet. and coping mechanism exists in many forms. and the art of distracting ourselves may once again save ourselves from social dysfunction.  focus on what makes you happy. if it happens to be work, then you're in luck. but if not. youll realise that theres a whole bundle of joy awaiting for you on the other side. the grass is always greener on the other side right? Just. Do. and. soon youll realise, the problems youre having, may just be another day at work, another phase of life that will end shortly. and youre just there in the meantime while waiting to do what really makes you happy. And the best and ultimate coping mechanism, is always to go back to God. and there, you'll count the blessings and realise its actually more than you

but at certain times, problems arent about work. sometimes its a social issue, sometimes its more personal. and for such matter. its time to remember the most important thing.

* Yourself *
people can talk, people can tell, people can help. but what is more important is on the receiving end. how we respond to matters appropriately. and for this, the one thing that most people tend to forget is the one thing that keeps all great men( and women) to keep on doing what they are doing. and that is ,


the ability to take a step back everytime we encounter a problem, and to think for the best solution to the problem, instead of approaching it as a reflex. and sometimes the reflex respond of a human being could result in inappropriate anger, unnecessary violence, and impeccable mistakes. so often we tend to do what we want instead of what we're supposed to do.

So what are we supposed to do? its a tricky question with a variety of answers.i guess ill just head to an example before summing things up.

sometimes people talk to you in a high pitched voice, not because they're angry, but they just have been bottling up things for too long. some may respond with a higher pitch and would further leads to a more intense situation. instead, things may be handled better if we respond in a lower pitch voice, or even just being quiet

Guess at this point,. i found mine.

a lot of things can happen to us in a day, and some part of it is beyond our control. For that, sometimes we start cursing God for what has happened and start cursing ourselves for being imperfect for not being able to handle the situation . And we forgot that there is no use of worrying about things that we cannot change. we also forgot how our imperfections is a form of blessing to us.

being humans, its in the core of imperfection as its a form of God to keep remind us that theres always room for improvement, and always, its a way of God to remind us of Him. for us to constantly have that sense of belonging towards Him. to go to Him at times get rough and not stumble beneath the earth.

work can be stressful during the stretch hours of work in addition to the unnecessary demands from patients that irritates you. suddenly you remember, how youre actually taking the gifts that God gave you for granted. and one of them is the gift of health; of how youre at the end of the bed treating the patient, instead of being on the bed, being sick on wonder if youre actually ever gonna be healthy again. Or how youre still able to walk and run around the wards and do things that is beneficial to other people instead of sitting and depend on other's mercy.  yes its hard. but with hardship is how you're molded to become a better person

So for everything that is happening that made you wanna stop or do inappropriate things
take a deep breath
see things as things they should be instead of how you want it to be.
be a good listener
be happy for what you are doing.
and always remember
theres always a greater purpose in life beyond just the satisfaction of our own life.
and the greater purpose of life is something that is for God to decide,
and for us to trust the process.

i know sometimes that the greater purpose is something beyond our comprehension that puts us in a disbelieve position.  but i guess that is what differs us as humans with God. there are limits to what we can understand but when the time comes, you'd thank God for doing his work, and you'll thank your self for being patient enough to withstand everything prior. :)

a wise person once said ,-

"so when i see people who have had success, i see boredom for the most part in them, And i see a tombstone. Circling back to what trophies and those things represent,
Richard Feyman, a great physicist, said that the nobel prize would be the tombstone on all great work.
Usually when you get what you thought you wanted , The fire goes away.
so if there's anything, jut find joy in what you do for the sake of it.
and then recognize how you're being shaped in the process
and hopefully youll become a better man through it."

this post is dedicated to those who are struggling in every possible way imaginable. in a way, this is also a way for me to vent and share what helped me through. thank you for reading till the end. 

i pray that in every hurdle of life that is happening to you, you will not give up and have the strength to continue, to strive, and most importantly, to trust the process and appreciate the little things in life. 

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