Thursday, March 25, 2010

lesson of the day~

its been awhile. baru ade mase nk bukak blog ni. kalo tak mcm haram la nk buang habuk2 yg dah berinci kt tmpt ni, huhh~

hari ni jumaat. 26/3/10, bfday mia. hapy bfday girl~ tapi aku tanak cite psl bfday die. nk cte psl ROAD RUN! gahh!

oke oke. cite die ceni, orait ah. awal pagi bgn lmbt sbb malam tuh bfday mia~ then pegi skola, die dh kumpul2 nk ready sblm start roadrun. ade exercise die sume, then tibe takde modal. cgu suro buat poco poco lak. malas aku nk buat mnde bodo tu. as a result. cgu tarek aku nek pntas. grr~ ingat aku cuak ah tu? hahahaha

bile turn f4 and f5 utk lari, aku pegi ah sorg2 kt tmpt starting tuh, kononnye nk ikat ngn syarol, bleh ah heret diri aku ni nk dpt top 20~ =) still, die pgi dpn dri aku. aku nk gk pegi dpn, tapi aku tgk2 kasut aku tak ikat ketat ketat lagi, time aku tengah ikat tuh la, cgu ramli nk start kn race tuh~ grr..... ikat tak betul, last2 lari je dgn ikatan yg nyawe2 ikan tuh~

1st time aku lari(padahal bru taun lps start) tak benti. haha. ntah ape aku brangan time tuh. dok pike psl bio tak silap.. dangg -,- and tali kasut aku dh mule terbukak time sblm smpai polis kt 15 tuh. damn, mcm ade godaan nk suro aku benti. otw, aku nmpak arep, dh pncit. die injurd time rabu lps tak warm up sblm train pusing skola. so, die taleh lari tp nk pakse gk lari. aku nmpak ramai sgt org yg dh mule pancit2. ade yg lari berasap ^^, (phm x?) lagi satu aku tak puas ati. ape kene la ngn aku ni? smpai je kt checkpoint nk amek ketas tuh, dorg takde nk hulur kt aku. kne aku benti, jerit WOI!nk mnde tu* then grab dr tangan org tuh, takde nye nk hulur. org lain hulur. akibatnye aku terpakse benti nk amek, wtf~

smpai smpai, aku lari mcm khayal gitu. kne Q nk bagi nmber peserta, dpn aku , yg aku igt, ade syarol. and sape ntah, tgk syarol dapat top 20,. cgu tuleh tuleh name, smpai je kt aku, cgu dah tuka ketas. menandekn.. AKU DPT NOMBOR 21!!!!! bagi aku, tuh numbe plg malang. sbb???

well, obviously, kalau aku laju sket, dapat numbe 20. takde nk pandang kiri kanan tego org, follow org,, gahh~ hmm mnde dh lepas. huhh.. lps aku tau number aku. aku terus letak sume ketas yg dpt kt checkpoint and tros blah~, smpai aku terletak skali kupon utk claim air free kt kantin. -,-

the lesson here is,
i realised, that there is a HUGE different between number 1 and number 2. between a YES and a NO. between THIS and THAT. you get the point rite?. although tht the chance of making the ryte choice is 50-50. still, being at the wrong 50% really sucks.

oh well, no more long distance run kt 18 dh pas ni. funny. im already counting down the things tht ive done at 18 for the last time =)


mencari kupon air

muke bru lps tau dapat numbe brape. nk nanges kot~

time ni tyra nk snap pic aku. tp aku dh nk blah, die pgl2 name aku so this is wut i did =). tgk kasot :D

ape ni ki. haha. kau dok jalan je wtpe

before i was dragged up-,-

thx tyra for the pics :) aku grab sume ni, haha.

p/s: happy birthday afza qistina. sweet 18.. its been two long years since the last time i met you. do miss u kot. haha :) ur a superb person.. by mean, SUPER DUPER PERSON =] and a great fren too.. respect* ;)


  1. haha like wut i said, im just ordinary ali (:
    thanks and gud luck in your life i know you can do it (:
