Wednesday, December 22, 2010

mind your words :)

could I?

should I?

would I?


referring to the word that explains the capability of someone. a logic term of can and cannot


a word describing obligation instead of a logic term. a word showing someone to do the right thing and still able to do the opposite.

a simple word indicating a statement of an option. pick any, and the opposite still doesnt seem to be so wrong.

a simple massage:
mind your words, mind your attitude. you may got caught up when you think that you are at the top :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

this is, my spm :)

happy birthday kamal razi, its nice to start spm as a birthday present kn? HAHA.
oke, hari pertama, spm, sume mcm (obviously) gementar sana gementar sini. tp wtheck, life needs to go on. so, kite pn jwb jela yeh BM? ketas dia was not bad. paper one was oke. tibe tibe tgah interval paper seni, ada msg masok ckp ada soklan bocor. apa lagi. xD so it wasnt so bad, aras pn sederhana. alhamdulillah. 1st day was oke :0

bi aku tatau nk bace ape sgt. spot org bagi mcm suro bace sume je, so, aku baca la sume, bleh la plak kn bagian literature masok bagian yg aku takcover =.= so aku bantai bantai je la. tp paper 2 was oke. essay aku buat psl home* aku tgk je soalan tu aku dah jd over the moon teros. haha. mana taknye, selama aku sekolah , cgu tak pnah nk puji aku punye karangan and asek suro aku buat btol btol je. ecxept for one, taun lps. midyear, klua soalan same with the same topic!! XD

my luck turns bad. start kt sejarah, boleh kata aku bace sejarah paling banyak and paling lama. and the night before exam, aku dpt banyak sangat spot. pening dibuatnye, aku bia semua spot. and abce je mcm biase. and it turned out, ada one of the spot. sbijik gila =.= oke, menyesal skrg takgune.

ini subject aku tatau nk bace ape. =.= so mcm buat paper tak bace buku,. so, we'll see how it goes :S

oke, kn tak bace math ? sbb nk bace subject ni. khatam 2 buku kulit ke kulit. so. it went okay:)

oke, dont freak out, do it slowly. dont panic, thts the way to do admaths, not just complaining. i tried. still, asl la soalan die lg ssh dr yg past years nye. format pon laen. aras pon tinggi. apa salah aku dkt kau admath? tak ckop ke kasih sayang yg aku bg selama ni?? =.= abes paper time tu hujan, redah hujanbalek rumah, smpai je rumah. dah reda -_____-'

sebab redah hujan nye pasal, aku buat fizik dalam keadaan demam =.= not a very good thing to remember. err~

oke, dah sehat. haha. buat je. jgn banya k cite, paper 3 berwarna! wee, mahal mahal :D


alahai, time ni sume dah exited dah nk abes exam, tp aku ada lg 1 week. soo, aku buat bio ni mcm buat admath, tp bio susah =.= experiment nk kne design, mcm hape la -.- takyah blja bio pn takpe la. aduhh.

oke, mood exam semakin luntur, pike nk habis je skrg. adri jawab sume mcm senang je. adeh, asl la tbe aku masok je blurr? =.=

hari last, awal awal pagi aku dah gerak pg lebri nk bace buku sbb tak bce ape lg. then mau lak hujan kn. tak bace buku, terpak se balek amek kete. prepare lunch utk adek adek kt rumah, then tros gi skola. jwb ketas. igt nk main skate ke bola ke kt skola. tibe tibe, pakli mengamok pulak. mau la takle nk main bola pulak =.= die halau balek. ok fine, aku balek. pg amek adek kt kuale selangor. mlm igt nk skate. tbe2 je tau tau skrg die dah tutup lmpu mlm mlm kt sane =.=
what a bad day to end spm~~~

and now, currently, im quite bz. dah start keje. org len sume tgah lepak lepak lg kt rumah. dh start keje sbb bosan. dok uma 2 hari dah rase mcm org gila =.= soo, everyone, enjoy the holidays, and juniors, ENJOY SCHOOL YAWW! :B

Monday, December 13, 2010


ade jugak eh suke tgk post aku kt bwh ni =.=

Saturday, December 11, 2010


its been a year or more, id remember that day was like, somewhere October 2009.

and now, i dont know. why everything changed just too much from that date. i changed, or you? i hope its just me. and forgive me for doubting. but hey, im just referring from what i heard. well, obviously, things are not the same since we've known each other, i dont know when was the turning point. but something must of happened. firstly, some of your friends, must have seen what i did. during midyear that is. hey, im not the kinda person who walks up to girls and talk . "hey, buat ape tu" and, "hey, boleh kenal" seriously . no and never have i ever did like that to girls whom i dont know. but they were the ones who came and asked things to me at that place., and nothing big, they were just old friends. as if your friend ever cared and ever knows, but.... id try to keep my distance to a safe radius with them. but it seemed like it was not how your friends saw it. i cant changed a persons perspective, but i can stand and fight for whats right. and i know my words never did reached you right?and your friend swords are alwys what cross your head more than mine.
and youve said that you gave the chance for me to say what i am supposed to say right? hmm, i dont know when was that. and you claimed that i failed to do that within the period you said. here i ask. when was that chance?? when did i missed it? i cherished every single moment i had. especially, during that days.but hey. its the only time we spoked, it was like the time when you called me. during youre free time, once .id like to say here how happy i was knowing that you still remembered me, and most of all, spending bits of your time just to go to the public phone. and since that the period was just a brief, i never get to say what i want, and yah. i know that your friends were there too, just to company you, and to use the phone. making me unable to call back. i wished i could. thts why i sent those cards, something i never done to anyone else for a long term. hoping it could be the best replacements. it was all i could of think of. im sorry if it was not enough. how many i sent , how much of them failed to arrive. idk why. i hope that you would understand why i send those mails. it may not cost much. but i did it with all of my heart.
im not trying to pressurise this point. cz i know how much education means to you that time. that was the same motivation for me in my studying. and it also made me realize, how i am soo diferred from you. unlike you, i am not in the eyes of a viewer as a sight of greatness. im just a normal typical person who just happened to be studying in a school, less known my the country and just being overlooked by most people. who am i to be with those who stands in great height. i would understand how im going to be placed in the food chain. lower than you. that would just make me cry sometimes? but hey, why would i ever wanna cry for something that is destened for me.
but just to say. things from my veiw has never changed. and i always hoped for what i special you are. and still. and that is what i said to you always. but if things arent going with my flow. its not mine to decide is it? but most importantly, i hope that you are happy just as how you wished. would you even read this??? at leasat one person do understand what i am saying.but i would really just wanna say thankyou for everything in the past. thank you for realizing me of who i am. people can call me stupid or wutsoeva, but among all of them that stare sky high, im bounded to the ground. just seeing you from another perspectice and not sharing the same veiwwith you. and thank you for motivating in my studies. i hope that it will gve a huge impact on me. have a wonderful life. a great one with all your loved ones.
if ever before im actually making you to a bad place, im sorry.. i really am. dont worry, it wont ever happen again.till then..
with love,