Sunday, April 25, 2010

Uitm jumaat lalu


bes sbb saya dapat tak pegi sekolah (bes ke tu?)
bes sbb dapat makan free( tak klua blnje hari tu :)
bes ape lagi??
hari tuh pegi uitm, ade hari alam sekitar corresponding with the hari alam sekitar sedunia. and and, kitorg kne bukak booth. takde la hebat or gah mane booth ktorang tuh, tapi ok la. org datang :) even kami tak sediakan byk giveaway prizes. plus take money pulak tu. thx kerane membeli pokok di booth kami :D

and and, arep, aina, farahani dapat kawan baru.
hua hua hua..
takde la baru mane. kawan lame. last jumpe kt skola rendah dlu. skrg die skola kt alam megah. kn alya??


it was fun . yet tiring. plus. practising english . woot woot. :D kne explain kat mat salleh, eheh silap, kt org cnia convert, pompuan , mule mule die tak bagi amek gamba die, tp arep snap gak, haaa. seres. aku respek gile kt die :))

well, nk tulis alot happened. tp time aku tulis nk post mnde ni..
aku dah kehabisan idea, baru pas edit gamba, grr. penat penat. esok sekolah. huihhh. nnt nnt aku rajen aku upload gamba byk2 :) dgn usaha aku nk upload lg satu gmba pon die lbab gile. grr. asal la ni.. hmm.

ni yang aku rajen ni. ntah bile aku rajen..
korg doadoa kan la yeh -,-

ali rajin, ali 10A+

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

baru balek tusyen, makan, nk belajar tp ngntok.. argh, need sumeone to slap me la, adoyai~

tibe, teringat kt sorang ni, haha, as usual, kalo aku dh tulis kt sini, nk kutok ape, sbb aku tau die takkan bukak blog aku. hahahah. so, bile aku teringat die, aku tringat mnde ni,

stupid ppl do stupid things,
fucking ppl do fucking things,
you do stupid and fucking things!. so..
wut are you?
WORST!!!! :)


huhh. dont let ppl be underestimated la weh. haha. till then, blog tyra mnceritakan segala galanya. uppss~

tadi kt skola adesesi gamba gamba, so tade la belajar, damn, aku patutnye pg PJ ade briefing utk projek TrEES. tp tak pegi, sbb umi ckp amek gamba lg penting dr pg PJ tuh, gamba, taun ni last, pg PJ tak dapat ape.

demikian lah keputusan aku, disokong dgn ade orang yg mengatakan yg ade raptai MAKA, aku tak pegi la jugak pj tu, and aku nk cube nasib nk pegi dewan MBSA, ade perasmian pertandingan kitar semula. best tu.

last last.
tak pg PJ, tu dah pasti, then terlepas taklimat utk raptai MAKA, mnde tu igtkn satu hari, pdhl skjp gile je..huhu then pnhaniza tak bg pg MBSA. grr. last last, tangkap gamba je ah aku. huhu. sume hilang,

yg dikejar tak dapat, yg di , ape ape? adehh, lupe..
still, you get the point ryte? :)

oh well,
tu je,
satu teka teki,

My mother has 2 children, but her son IS NOT MY BROTHER, WHO IS HE??

answer is..

ME! :D

phm tak?



happy birthday sitizawinnajah :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

final answer

question number 1.

is there really a person termed GIFTED?

hmm, well. evrything you see, is a result of sumthing. not just it happened like it is some kinda magic. NO. no such thing as gifted. but there is the term as special. whereby you have the ability to do less and gain more. wish i was apart of it.

question number 2.

are heroes born or made?

for sure. nothing is born. ppl that are meant to be something since the day they were born?? thts bullshit! just becaouse u were born blind doesnt mean you cant see, just because ure deaf, doesnt mean u cant hear. JUST BECAUSE YOU CANT SPEAK, DOESNT MEAN YOU CANT COMMUNICATE. God is very very, very generous to treat us with all of his blessing ;)

question 3

is it better to be avarage at everything rather than being superb at one thing and sucks at other than that one thing?

hmm, lets see.

lets say, that i can play soccer, i can play well. but doesnt mean im a pro like torres rite? plus, i can run well, but not the best runner la. i can do well in curiculum, but never managed to get the best.

vice versa~
this one person, who can score with flying colours in exam, still, doesnt play football,

or even this person tht plays football, maybe as good as torres:), that doesnt score in curiculum. you get the point rite???

i dont wanna interupt ur point of veiw with mine. so,

you decide..


Friday, April 9, 2010

due to my life yg masih lagi tak balance dgn schools, hw, and life.

umi refuses to let me take part in furthur co-curiculum activities.

sry pn haniza. maybe you need to find another person perhaps outside the society.. or maybe just call my mom! i think thts the best. :D

gonna miss this

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ucapan terima kasih :)

pressing few keys of piano with lots and LOTS of daim -,-

khamis minggu lepas. awl bulan 4 arituh. donat msg ckp die nk celebrate sbb die dh abes keje. and tht morning die and nabil pegi tgk premiere clash of the titans. kate nye bes~

well, aku time tuh tga training utk rumah sukan. bosan so aku men badminton, just for fun. =) kol 5.30 kot. donat msg. ckp suro dtg secret. then aku pon pegi la. call kamilah die ngntok. lagi rela ngntok dr mkn secret. tak nomel ni. huhu. zawin tak reply, tyra call tak angkat.. adehh, seb bek ade merex :)

smpai2 donat tak bli utk makan situ, tp bli bungkus( take away ) :) hehe. tp makan kt situ. lol.. then merex datang. bile bkk je kek tuh, ade tertulis sumthing ats tuh.

damn. utk aku rupenye. thx alot donat. :)

so we ate and ate. smapi magrib, then merex kne balikdonat nk bli cekak.. so ade lagi sparoh tak abes. make, bungkus and bawak balek:)

tyra tgah call time ni, and dorg pakse tiup lilin sbb lilin dah nk abes cair. huhu, and die datang pastu. tp gamba die mane ntah -,- sry babe

them :)

and donut. thx bro!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

stop and stare. and think!

3 questions,

1) is there really the term for persons who are listed as, GIFTED??

2) are heroes born or made??

3)is it better to be avarage at everything rather than being superb at one thing and sucks at other than that one thing?

answers later

Monday, April 5, 2010

super tired day~

mase hari sukan. aku bjet nk dtg awal kol 7. tp bgn 7.10. kalut aku dibuatnye. then. pgi umah arep. tgu lyana call suro aku amek die kt ktm. mcm haram je kau nk call aku. igt aku ape?lol. last2 aku gk msg kau. adehh. kau lmbt sape suro. dulik ah. aku pegi stadium dulu :)

dtg2 tros perbarisan. kne dressup. btw, mlm sblm sukan tuh. ala,, mlm MU kalah ngn CHELSEA tu.. haha. aku nk dorg seri.. -,- lepak umah pn rohana siap2kn last minit punya kerja rumah ijau.huhu ,... wtf.. seres umah die bes gila!samsung LED 52inch++ tv besa gedabak+astro b.yond~ tgk bla mmg puas gila. Tv tesa gile bleh tgk dr mane2 tmpt dlm rumah tu. aku dh bajet tanak makan kt umah die die pakse. abes eating disorder aku T.T

back to the topic.. ble dh dreesup. kne berarak. aku nmpak ain. pompuan melayu terakhir hahaha. abes je perbarisan. die tros panggil utk 400m L1. mau kalut aku di buatnye. dahla tenga nk berak. aku pon pergi setelkn kt tandas. abes je. aku pegi blek kt kemah penyelia. ckp nk amek kasut(tga pkai crocs je) cgu ckp tayah. act aku nk cari spike yg ade saiz kaki aku. huh.. takde. paki la kasut futsal syidi. thx doe. haha. berat shal kasut tuh. huhh. make kau pun berlari ali. igt last. ade lg orang blkg kau. haha. aku tak puas ati kt org yg tak masok saringan. hahaha. :)

abes je lari. yan suro aku pg amek budak kt 27. lol. igt aku drebar? dh la tak baya.huhh! aku pon pegi la seb bek budak yg aku amek tu die baya. thx :)

smpai je skola. pttnye kne masok 4x100. tp tak jd. sbb lambt sampai blek kt stadium. T.T aku tanak cite ape jd pastu kt stadium. sbb maybe, sume dh tau en??

after sume mnde dh abes. hanta yan and aney kt ktm. then arep kt 19 . after tht antar chap pg puncong. nk balek tu sesat! damnnn. kol 4.30 sampai sacc. dga cite sume dak2 sammy and the gang lepak. aku sampai je guys sume dah blah. and aku merasakan keadaan mcm tak menerima au. sume mcm pndg slek je kt aku. ths y i decided to go to secret and bigapple. then balek. sbb kne hantar adek pg asrama kt kuale selangor.

smpai asrama pukol 6.15.....then balek umah sampai kol 8.wtheck~ on9 jap. tulis post blog satu. then tido. tak dpt tgk liverpool. kalau aku tgk msti dorg dh mng. huh..

and today .. CUTI!! tapi penat cz takleh nk rest. and thing get even worst when i start thinking about study-,- and hw..


merex tanak bg kat aku!!..hiasan semate :)

start lmbt mmg ah tak mng. huhu.

thx arief :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

lesson of the day(II)

sportsday. not much to share. just the lesson. a fact tht i found. tht i desire to share with those who are reading. ( usually its only me. )

hidup jangan jadi anjing orang.. jgn jadi kuli orang. jangan biar kau diambil kesempatan. jangan biar orang buat kau nmpak bodoh. jangan biar orang perbodohkan kau..

thts all.
no offense. im writing this to the person who im surely takkan bace blog ni. thts y im writing this. cz i know kau takkan bace. and jangan korg terase sbb kalo korg dh bace.. and im not pointing it to u. sereously :) thank you for evrything.

P/S; thx donat. aku rase mcm nk post psl bfday aku n mia tuh. haaha. later dude. still. thx alot :))